# Roadmap


Milestone Estimated Ship Date Network Primary Benefit
Public Beta Q3 '24 Arbitrum Sepolia Obtain user feedback
Integrate Founding Marketmakers Q3 '24 Offchain Intent Platform Show users accurate, tradeable prices users
Supplier Mode Q3 '24 n/a Optimizes tax profile of loans + maintains governance rights
Protocol Audit Q4 '24 n/a Ensure security of Collar Protocol
Global Launch Q4 '24 Arbitrum Mitigate liquidations for the majority of DeFi users globally
US Launch Q4 '24 Base Tax optimization tool for U.S. HNWIs for BTC, ETH, stETH, etc. Leverages Coinbase attestations.
Liquidity Improvement Q1 '25 n/a Improve liquidity by integrating alternative DEX venues (i.e. 1inch, CoW, 0x)
Asset Scope Expansion Q1 '25 n/a Allow users to borrow against more crypto assets
Eth + L2 Launch Q1 '25 Various "
Crosschain Launch Q1 '25 Omni Mitigate liquidations + tax deferral profile for U.S. borrowers
Full Decentralization Q2 '25 n/a Decentralize ownership and governance of Collar Protocol
RWA Launch Q3 '25 Plume Handles the extension of Collar Positions
Product Expansion (Accumulators) TBA TBA Accumulate crypto at a discount or sell crypto at a premium by committing to DCA-ing over time
Non-Custodial Wealth Management TBA TBA Cheapen asset accumulation, powered by commitment
[redacted] TBA TBA [redacted] of the future, aligning incentives globally


Milestone Completion Date Description
Founding Q1 '23 Collar was founded to solve three key wealth management problems: liquidations, taxes, and centralization.
MVP Q1 '23 RFQ-based MVP on Arbitrum mainnet
LaunchList Q2 '23 First 100 users sign up to try Collar
Alpha Launch Q3 '23 Collar launched on Omni testnet - 178k wallets interacted
BUIDLing Q4/Q1 '24 ...
Private Beta Q2 '24 Collar launches Peer-to-Pool beta on private testnet - $286m in committed notional from beta users